Teledyne LeCroy SAS Suite User Manual User Manual
Page 33

SASSuite User Manual
Version 6.25
LeCroy Corporation
Input Signal Equalization
Input signal equalization can be adjusted within a matrix of three time values, with four
settings for each time value. The time settings are relative: Short, Medium, and Long. The
available levels, from left to right, are Off, Min(imum), Mod(erate), and Max(imum). The
default setting is Min for Short. The default setting is Off for Medium. The default setting
is Min for Long.
Output Pre-emphasis
Output pre-emphasis is controlled within a matrix of two time values, with 15 settings
within each time value. The time values are Output Pre Long and Output Pre Short. The
settings for each are from Off (0) to Max (15). The default setting is Off for
Output Pre Long. The default setting is 13 for Output Pre Short.
For short cables, Short Level is more important than Long Level. For long cables,
Long Level is more important than Short Level. Use cable length to set pre-emphasis:
For long cables, set Long Level at the middle and Short Level to OFF or at a pre-
defined value that you derive by trial and error in the lab.
For short cables, set the Long Level at the middle and set Short Level to a value that
you derive by trial and error in the lab.
For Output Pre Long and Output Pre Short, you can set the Decay from 0 to 7. The
default setting is "Off" for Output Pre Long. The default setting is 4 for Output Pre Short.
Output Power
The output power is available in eight steps from 626 mV to a maximum of 1294 mV. The
default setting is 808 mV.
You can Terminate to VDD.