Teledyne LeCroy SAS Suite User Manual User Manual
Page 196

Version 6.25
SASSuite User Manual
LeCroy Corporation
Collapsing Idle Time, Enabling Tooltips, and Resetting Column
Click the View Options button
to open a menu with options for formatting the
display. Three options are presented:
Collapsible Idle Time - Opens a dialog box for setting the Idle time thresholds. Setting
a value tells the analyzer when to collapse Idle times and display them as grayed out
strips within the Link Tracker window.
Tooltip Display - Opens a menu with options for adding content to tooltips. Tooltips will
display when you position the mouse pointer over an item in the Link Tracker window.
The options are:
Tooltip Display Values
Tooltip Display Scrambled Values
Tooltip Displays 10 bit Codes
Tooltip Displays Symbols
Tooltips Displays Text Decoding
The following screenshot shows a tooltip in which all five options have been enabled:
Reset Column Widths - This option resets column widths to their defaults and enables
columns to resize themselves automatically any time the application window is resized.
Normally, columns will automatically resize themselves if the application window is made
larger or smaller. However, if you manually resize any columns in the Link Tracker
window, column widths become static. Thereafter, if you resize the application window,
the Link Tracker columns will not adjust automatically. Reset Column Widths
re-enables this automatic resizing capability.