IAI America PSEP User Manual
Page 17
4. Operation cannot be performed unless there is an input of Servo-on
Signal and Pause Signal.
(1) Servo-on Signal (SON)
Servo-on signal (SON) is selectable from either “Enable” or “Disable” by the setting.
It is settable in the initial setting.
[Refer to 2.1 Setting]
If it is set to “Enable”, the actuator would not operate unless turning this signal on.
If it is set to “Disable”, the servo becomes on and the actuator operation becomes enabled
as soon as the power supply to the controller is turned on and the emergency stop signal is
[Refer to 2.1 Setting]
It is set to “Disable” when the unit is delivered. Have the setting that suits to the desirable control
(2) Pause Signal (*STP)
The input signal of the pause signal (*STP) is always on considering the safety. Therefore, in
general, the actuator would not operate if this signal is not on.
It is available to make this signal to “Not to use”, if this signal is undesirable.
It is settable in the initial setting.
[Refer to 2.1 Setting]
If it is set to “Not to use”, the actuator operation is available even without this signal being on.
It is set to “Not to use” when the unit is delivered.
be performed.