ABUS FU8007 Secvest 2WAY Base Kit Installation User Manual
Page 71

xYou can now listen to the “Voice prompts” of the alarm centre on the phone.
xThe “Voice prompts” with special key combinations (see also chapter on “Remote
control by telephone”) are as follows:
o#0*0 = Deactivate system
“The alarm system is deactivated”
In the event of an alarm, also: “Reset is required”. (Enter the
following key combination “#1*1”.)
o#0*1 = Activate system
“The alarm system is activated”
The alarm system is activated, even if zones of the type
“Normal Alarm” and “Exit Norm.Alm” are still open. These
zones are omitted.
You have forgotten to set your alarm system at
home. This behaviour allows you to set your alarm
remotely, even if some interior doors
are open.
For controlling with the Realtime Monitor of the
downloader, the same behaviour occurs.
o#0*2 = Activate internal system
“The alarm system is activated internally”
The alarm system is activated internally, even if none of the
zones has the “Attribute” “Part setting – yes” or if zones of
the type “Normal Alarm” and
“Exit Norm.Alm” are still open. All these zones are omitted.
Refer to the note above as well.
o#1*0 = Disable sirens
In the event of an alarm: “An alarm has been triggered”
o#1*1 = Reset system
In the event of an activated system: “The alarm system is
In the event of a deactivated system: “The alarm system is
In the event of an internally activated system: “The alarm
system is activated internally”
After an alarm (key combination #0*0 is pressed beforehand):
“The alarm system is deactivated”
o#3* = Query system
In the event of an activated system: “The alarm system is
In the event of a deactivated system: “The alarm system is
In the event of an internally activated system: “The alarm
system is activated internally”
In the event of an alarm: “An alarm has been triggered”
In the event of an alarm, first press the “#0*0” key combination for “Deactivate system”
and then the “#1*1” key combination for “Reset system”.