Status Port Numb option, 262
Stop Bits option, 234
Subnet Mask option, 245, 250
Summary, CONFIG command, 367
Supplies Department, 371
Supported RFID Tag Types, 359
Switch Out On option, 231, 243
Tag Types, RFID, 359
Tall Characters option, 147
Tckt Life (SEC) option, 259
Tckt Life Units option, 258
Tear-Off strip, media handling, 27
Tear-Off, media handling, 27
Technical support, 371
Test Count option, 226
Test labels, printing, 291
message, 330
Text Length option, 219
Text Position option, 219
Thermal consumables, 16
Thermal printer series product line, 11
Thermal printer technology, 14
Thermal transfer printing, 14
Thermal transfer ribbons, 344
Threshold Range option, 134
Ticket Save Mode option, 125
Time processing, improving, 292
Timeout option
(C/T Port), 241
(ETHERNET Port), 243
(USB Port), 242
Timeout option (Parallel Port), 231
Timeout option (Serial), 237
TN3270 SETUP menu, 164
TN5250 SETUP menu, 166
TN5250/TN3270, 14
TOF Adjust Mode option, 126
TOF Adjust option, 126
TOF Detect Fault option, 125
Top Margin option, 220
Translate Table option, 220
Translation Tbl option (Coax), 220
Translation Tbl option (SPC Coax), 220
Translation Tbl option (SPC Twinax), 220
Translation Tbl option (TN3270, TN5250,
Twinax), 221
Transmit Power option, 255
Transmitted Data (TD) signal
RS-232 serial interface, 288
RS-422 serial interface, 288
Trickle Time (Serial) option, 237
Trickle Time option (Parallel Port), 231
Troubleshooting, 291
control panel, 300
Fault Message Troubleshooting Table, 309
fault messages, 308
LCD Messages, 309
power failures, 301
print quality, 302
printer operation, 305
printer problems and solutions, 300
ribbon, 307
True Vert 1/10 option, 221
TrueType Fonts, 275
TrueType Fonts, Downloaded, 280
Trunc Dyn Data option, 221
Truncate Alpha option, 221
TWINAX SETUP menu, 156
Twinax Type option, 221
Twinax/coax host interface, 13
Typeface option, 221
Unicode, 193
Uniform Fonts option, 222
Units option, 123
Unpacking the printer, 17
Unscannable xx Missing Codes fault message, 330
UPC Descenders option (PGL), 222
UPC Descenders option (VGL), 222
Upr. Case Select option, 222
USB, 289