Printronix SL_T5R Energy Star User Manual
Page 213

Emulation Submenus
Print Char. Set
Selecting this item by pressing the
↵ key causes the printer to print the
currently selected character set.
Printer PI
(factory default). The LP+ Emulation is configured with the PI line
. The LP+ Emulation is configured with the PI line enabled.
Printer Select
(factory default). Ignores the ASCII DC1 and DC3 control codes.
. Disables the printer when a DC1 control code is received, and
enables the printer when a DC3 control code is received.
Prop Line Length
(factory default). The position of the next graphic element will be
determined by the physical length of a text string (when using a
proportional spaced font).
. The position of the next graphic element will be determined as if
the font was monospaced (all characters had the same specified width).
Prop. Spacing
Each printed character is contained inside a character cell. The width of the
character cell includes the character and the space around the character.
(factory default). The width of each character cell varies with the
width of the character. For example, [i] takes less space to print than [m].
Using proportional fonts generally increases the readability of printed
documents, giving text a typeset appearance.
. Each character cell is printed with the same width. Each column
in the printed text will line up.
PSeries Dbl High
This menu option allows printing compatibility between the current and older
models of Printronix printers.
(factory default). This is normal Double High printing for current
model printers.
P3/4/6/9 Compat
. Where older printers printed two dot rows higher, this
option allows for compatibility by raising the print two dot rows to match
the current models dot row value (two dot rows lower).