Printronix SL_T5R Energy Star User Manual
Page 186

(factory default). Text is printed normally.
. Text is printed with a heavy line thickness.
Bottom Margin
Defined in linespaces, starting from line zero at the bottom of the page and
incrementing from the bottom up.
The range is 0-451 linespaces, and the factory default is 0 linespaces.
Boundary Check
This option turns on or off the page boundary check for all print elements.
(factory default). When enabled, an out of bound error is reported
if the print element is out of the page boundary.
. When disabled, no out of bound error is reported. The out of
bound print element prints over the page boundary.
Btm Margin Ctl
Determines the page’s bottom margin. If this option is set to VGL Text Length,
then text length changes the bottom margin value in the LP+ Emulation
submenu as follows: bottom = physical page length-top margin-text length. If
the option is set to LP+ Menu, then a change in text length has no effect, and
the bottom margin setting in the LP+ Emulation menu will be used, although
the new text length value still shows in the menu.
The options are LP+ Menu (factory default) and VGL Text Length.
Buffer Print
(factory default). The printer will print normally.
. The printer prints the EBCDIC data and control codes received
from the host as hex values.
Use of this parameter may alter print attributes set by the host
computer. A power cycle may be required after changing Buffer Print
from enable to disable.
Buffer Reprint
This option is valid only when the printer is printing in Coax SCS mode. When
the ENTER key is pressed, “Buffer Reprint Enabled” displays and an
Intervention Required status is sent to the host. Pressing ENTER again
cancels the Buffer Reprint function and displays “Buffer Reprint Disabled” on
the LCD.