Raritan Computer DKX416 User Manual
Page 24

Configuring Target Servers
Linux Mouse Settings
On target servers running Linux graphical interfaces, set the mouse
acceleration to exactly 1 and set the threshold to exactly 1. Enter this
command: xset mouse 1 1.
Ensure that each target server running Linux is using a resolution
supported by the Dominion KX at a standard VESA resolution and
refresh rate. Each Linux target server should also be set so the blanking
times are within +/- 40% of VESA standard values.
To check for these parameters:
1. Go to the Xfree86 Configuration file XF86Config
2. Using a text editor, disable all non-Dominion KX supported
3. Disable the virtual desktop feature, which is not supported by the
Dominion KX.
4. Check blanking times (+/- 40% of VESA standard).
5. Restart the computer.
Note: In many Linux graphical environments, the command
available resolutions that remain enabled in the XF86Config file.
Red Hat 4/Red Hat 9/SUSE Linux 10.1
On target servers running Linux graphical interfaces, follow these steps
to configure mouse settings:
1. Choose Main Menu > Preferences > Mouse. The Mouse Preferences
dialog appears.
2. Click to select the Motion tab.
3. Within the Speed group, set the Acceleration slider to the exact
center position.
4. Within the Speed group, set the Sensitivity towards low.
5. Within the Drag & Drop group, set the Threshold towards small.
6. Close the Mouse Preferences dialog.