NEC NEAX NDA-24349 User Manual

Page 223

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Chapter 11 Open Application Interface (OAI)


Request for Proposal (RFP) Reference Guide

Page 11-3

NDA-24349, Issue 4

Conference Room Scheduler

Conference Room Scheduler is a NEC OAI application that allows an organization to better manage
conference and meeting rooms that are always in high demand. Conference Room Scheduler enables
users of a D


phone to reserve conference rooms, cancel reservations, verify reservations, or check

reservations made by other users. Rooms may be reserved in half hour blocks, up to 90 days in
advance. Where multiple conference rooms exist, Conference Room Scheduler enables you to specify
the amount of attendees expected and reserve a room large enough to suit your needs. All reservations
and cancellations are achieved via assigned use identification numbers. A conference room reservation
list can be printed or displayed on a terminal.


Rooms can only be reserved, verified, or canceled up to three months, or 90 days in advance.


Room reservations must be made for a specific day and time. It is not possible, to reserve a

room for Mondays and Fridays without making a separate request for each day individually.


Rooms are reserved in half-hour intervals. For example, if you want a conference room from

10:20 - 10:40, the reservation will be made from 10:00 - 11:00.


Rooms cannot be reserved across days (i.e. 11:30 PM Monday - 1:00 AM Tuesday).


Reservations are made and maintained by identification number. If an employee is leaving the

company, all reservations made using that person’s identification number must be deleted
before the number is removed from the employee database. A reservation in the system
associated with an ID number that is no longer in the employee database cannot be removed
from Conference room Scheduler.


Conference Room Scheduler can be set up to work with three, four, or five digit room numbers

and adjusts the messages displayed on the D


panel to accommodate the difference in length.


Identification codes may be one to nine digits in length.


Roamer enables you to take your incoming telephone calls and you calling privileges with you no
matter where you go within you office environment. If you are assigned permanently to your own
telephone, you can relocate to any other telephone. If you do not have your own telephone, you can
make any telephone in the system your own. When you have relocated to another telephone (or back
to your permanently assigned telephone) all of your incoming calls will be transferred to the new
location, and your privileges and restrictions apply to any outgoing calls you make from that telephone


Second Party Alert

Second Party Alert is a powerful telecommunications application that makes it possible for users to
know that they are receiving secondary calls while they are on the phone. This application lights an
LED lamp on the D


, sounds a chime, and when the function key is pressed, displays the name and

extension of the secondary caller, and additional callers, in sequence, on the D


