NEC NEAX NDA-24349 User Manual
Page 117

Chapter 5 Station Equipment
Request For Proposal (RFP) Reference Guide
Page 5-41
NDA-24349 Issue 4
Voice Recording
A user will be able record the voice connection and save the wave file on a network storage place
of their choice. It is recommended all voice recording be stored on a local hard drive and not a
network drive. With the activation of the voice recording of the D
SP30, no extra recording
equipment other than the D
SP30 phase 2 application with a USB headset is required. For those
specific regions which require the notification to the remote party that a voice connection is being
recorded, the D
SP30 provides for the setting of an automatic beep tone in the configuration
menus. Beep tone can also be conditioned to send a tone notification at user selectable intervals.
Application Collaboration
SP30 phase 2 allows users to share ideas, information and programs in a variety of
ways while either in a point-to-point connection or 6/8 party conference mode.
The D
SP30 audio and videoconferencing feature lets you communicate with anyone on the
NEC Network.
• Share ideas, information, and applications using video and audio
• Send and receive real-time images using Windows-compatible equipment
• Allows for broadcasting of the live video to other D
SP30 users which might not have video
transmission capabilities.
• Use of a video camera to instantly view items, such as hardware devices, road conditions or
even personnel, which are displayed in front of the camera
The whiteboard lets you collaborate in real time with other D
SP30 users via graphic design.
With the whiteboard, you can review, create and update graphic information.
• Manipulate contents by clinking, dragging and dropping information on the white board with a
• Copy, cut and paste information from any Windows-based application into the whiteboard.
• Use different-colored pointers to easily differentiate participant’s comments.
• Save the whiteboard contents either at the local side or distant end location
• Load saved whiteboard pages, enabling you to prepare information before a conference, then
drag and drop it into the whiteboard during an audio meeting
The chat functionality lets you conduct real-time conversations via text with as many D
users as you like. With chat, you can:
• Type text messages to communicate with other co-workers during a conference
• All messages are sent in a whisper mode so that they are only received by one party
• All messages sent and received are saved automatically in the chat log
• Automatic pop up notification when a chat message is received
• ICON notification within the chat log identifying different states of the messages
File Transfer
File transfer lets you send one or more files to distant D
SP30 users. With file transfer, you
• Send a file to other D
SP30 users
• Accept or reject transferred files
Application Sharing
SP30 gives you better control over how shared programs are displayed on your desktop
and give the person sharing the program control over who uses it.
• View shared programs in a frame, which makes it easy to distinguish between shared and local
applications on your desktop
• Minimize the shared program frame and do other work if you don not need to work in the
current conference program.
• Easily switch between shared programs using the shared programs taskbar.
• Approve conference participants’ requests to work in the program you introduce.
• Allow or prevent others from working in a program using the sharing dialog menu.