IBM SG24-4817-00 User Manual
Page 80

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Figure 27. The A T M TR/Ethernet B r i d g e M o d u l e Service Port Connection
To access the ATM TR/Ethernet Bridge Module via a LAN or ATM port, the
workstation running the Configuration Utility Program must have IP connectivity
through the network (either directly or through bridges, routers, etc.) to be able
to reach the ATM TR/Ethernet Bridge Module
s LAN or ATM port. In this case,
the TCP/IP stack in the workstation must be configured to provide such a
At the initial startup of the ATM TR/Ethernet Bridge Module, you must use
the direct connection to access the module in order to load a valid configuration.
After that, you may use either direct or LAN/ATM connections to access the ATM
TR/Ethernet Bridge Module for subsequent configurations.
The Configuration Utility Program provides a set of windows that allow you to
configure and manage the ATM TR/Ethernet Bridge Module. Figure 28 on
page 65 shows how you can navigate between various windows provided by the
Configuration Utility Program.
ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch