IBM SG24-4817-00 User Manual
Page 213

This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
-- active: row available for use by the managed device
-- notInService: row exists but is unavailable for use
-- notReady: row exists but some information is missing
-- createAndGo: create and use row
-- createAndWait: create row but do not use it now
-- destroy: remove row
NetPrefix ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..13))
-- A network prefix part, as defined in the UNI V3.0 specification
AtmAddress ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..20))
-- An ATM Address, as defined in the UNI V3.0 specification
-- It consists of a network prefix part and an End-User part
-- Three types of format exist for the network prefix part:
a = DCC Format
b = ICD Format
c = E.164 Format
-- The End-User part consists of an ESI and a SEL area.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-- a=AFI!.DCC.!DFI!..AA...!RSRVD!.RD..!AREA.!.....ESI........!SEL
-- b=AFI!.ICD.!DFI!..AA...!RSRVD!.RD..!AREA.!.....ESI........!SEL
-- c=AFI!....E.164..............!.RD..!AREA.!.....ESI........!SEL
-- IBM-8260 ATM MIB ========================================================
-- ATM sub-system: ATM switch + ATM modules
node OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmSw 1 }
-- Agent Identification
agents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmSw 2 }
ibm8260 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { agents 1 }
ibm8285 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { agents 2 }
-- Administrative Objects
admin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atmSw 3 }
testType OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { admin 1 }
internalLoopback OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { testType 1 }
externalLoopback OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { testType 2 }
-- Node Objects
base OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { node 1 }
Appendix E.
IBM ATM Campus Switch Private MIBs