A.1.4 resetting the password to factory default, A. 1.5 how to change terminal settings, A.1.5 how to change terminal settings – IBM SG24-4817-00 User Manual

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8285 passwords are case-sensitive.

You can also change the user password. Figure 59 shows an example of how it
is changed.

8285> set device password user
Enter current administrator password:
New password:
Re-enter password:
Password changed.

Figure 59. Changing User Password

A.1.4 Resetting the Password to Factory Default

If you forget the administrator password for the 8285, you can use the following
procedure to reset the password to the factory default:

1. Enter


at the password prompt.

2. Select the ATM Reset button on the 8285 front panel.

A.1.5 How to Change Terminal Settings

You can customize the terminal settings of the 8285 if you are logged on as
administrator. The following commands are provided:

Set Terminal Baud

This command allows you to set the baud rate at which the 8285 will
communicate with the attached console or modem. The following example
shows you how to change the baud rate to 2400 bps:

8285> set terminal baud 2400

Figure 60. Changing the Terminal Baud Rate

Set Terminal Data_Bits

This command lets you configure the 8285 to the number of data bits used by
the attached console. For example, the following command allows you to
change the number of data bits to 7:

8285> set terminal data_bits 7

Figure 61. Changing the Terminal Data Bits

Set Terminal Parity

This command lets you configure the 8285to the same parity used by the
attached console. The following example shows you how to change the
parity bit to even:


ATM Workgroup Solutions: Implementing the 8285 ATM Switch