GarrettCom Magnum MNS-6K User Manual
Page 87

M A G N U M 6 K S W I T C H E S , M N S - 6 K U S E R G U I D E
Syntax reauth port=
set values on how the authenticator (Magnum 6K switch) does the re-authentication with the supplicant or
port – [mandatory] – ports to be configured
status – [optional] This enables/disables re-authentication
period – [optional] this is the re-authentication period in seconds. This is the time the
authenticator waits before a re-authentication process will be done again to the supplicant.
Default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Values can range from 10 to 86400 seconds.
Syntax show-stats port=
Syntax trigger-reauth port=