GarrettCom Magnum MNS-6K User Manual
Page 224

M A G N U M 6 K S W I T C H E S , M N S - 6 K U S E R G U I D E
Syntax com2sec
in RFC 2275. This specifies the mapping from a source/community pair to a security name. On MNS-
6K, up to 10 entries can be specified
Syntax group
control model (VACM) as defined in RFC 2275. This command defines the mapping from sec model or
a sec name to a group. A sec model is one of v1, v2c, or usm. On MNS-6K, up to 10 entries can be
Syntax show-group [id=
corresponding to the group entry number in the table
Syntax view
(VACM) as defined in RFC 2275. This command defines a manager or group or manager stations
what it can access inside the MIB object tree. On MNS-6K, up to 10 entries can be specified
Syntax show-view [id=
corresponding to the view entry number in the table
Syntax user
quickly adding or deleting v3 USM based security, this command adds user entries. MNS-6K allows up
to 5 users to be added. Right now, the MNS-6K agent only support noauth and auth-md5 for v3
authentication and auth-des for priv authentication
Syntax show-user [id=
corresponding to the view entry number in the table
set snmp type=v1
show active-snmp
6K SNMP Agent supports v1 only.
show snmp
SNMP Get Community Name
: public
SNMP Set Community Name
: private
SNMP Trap Community Name
: public
: disabled
SNMP Access Status
: enabled