Chapter 8 – port mirroring and setup – GarrettCom Magnum MNS-6K User Manual

Page 266

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M A G N U M 6 K S W I T C H E S , M N S - 6 K U S E R G U I D E

Syntax tacserver id= [ip=] [port=]

[encrypt=] [key=] [mgrlevel=]

– adds a list of up to five TACACS+ servers where

– [mandatory] adds or delete a TACACS+ server.
id= – [mandatory] the order in which the TACACS+ servers should be polled for
[ip=] – [mandatory for add] the IP address of the TACACS+ server
[port=] – [optional for add] TCP port number on which the server is listening
[encrypt=] – [optional for add] enable or disable packet encryption
[key=] – [optional for add, mandatory with encrypt] when encryption is enabled,
the secret shared key string must be supplied
[mgrlevel=] and [oprlevel=] – [optional] specifies the manager and
operator level as defined on the TACACS+ server for the respective level of login

Chapter 8 – Port mirroring and

Syntax show port-mirror – display port mirror settings

Syntax port-mirror - configure port mirror settings

Syntax setport monitor= sniffer= - set port

mirror settings

Syntax prtmr - enable or disable port mirror settings

Syntax device – configure device and port specific settings


setport port= [name=] [speed=<10|100>]

[duplex=] [auto=] [flow=]
[bp=] [status=]
– configure port settings

Syntax show port[=] – display port settings

Syntax flowcontrol xonlimit= xofflimit= - configure flow control buffers

Syntax show flowcontrol – display flow control buffers

Syntax backpressure rxthreshold= - configure backpressure buffers

Syntax show backpressure – display backpressure buffers