HP BA322 90087 User Manual

Page 70

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Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

When selecting options, note the following:

If you want all the default values, press Enter.

If you want to select options individually, answer NO. The procedure then prompts
you for each option and suboption shown in

Example 3-1 (page 71)


Review the list of options and compare them with the requirements for your system.
If you are selecting components individually, be sure that you include all components
necessary to support the needs of your users. Note also that certain components depend
on the installation of other components.

If you are not sure whether you want certain options, request help by entering a question
mark (?) at the prompt for that option.

After you select all the options you want, you can view your selections and make changes
(if necessary).

OpenVMS Management Station software is automatically installed on your OpenVMS
system disk when you accept all the default values. If you do not accept the default
values, you must select the OpenVMS Management Station component (server and
client files) if you plan to use this product. After the installation is complete, you can
prepare your OpenVMS system and your PC to run OpenVMS Management Station
by following the procedures described in

Appendix H (page 311)


If you decide after the installation to change which OpenVMS operating system options
you want installed on your system, you must reconfigure the installation as described

Section (page 31)


Section 7.12 (page 151)


After you boot the new system disk and log in, you can obtain information about
individual system files by entering HELP SYS_FILES at the dollar sign prompt ($).


Unless you have specific reasons to do otherwise, HP recommends that you accept

the defaults and install all OpenVMS options. OpenVMS and layered products have various
dependencies on many of these options. Even if you think you do not need certain options,
some OpenVMS or layered product operations might not work correctly if other OpenVMS
options are not installed.

Note also that, for OpenVMS Integrity server installations, the availability of certain options
depends on the OE you have purchased. For more information, see the HP Operating
Environments for OpenVMS for Integrity Servers Software Product Description
(SPD 82.34.xx).

If you answer YES to accept the defaults for all options, the procedure displays a message
similar to the following, the contents of which depend on the products you chose to install.
If you answer NO, the procedure prompts you for each option and suboption.

Availability Manager (base) for OpenVMS I64

CDSA for OpenVMS I64


SSL for OpenVMS I64

Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS

HP Binary Checker for OpenVMS I64

WBEM Services for OpenVMS (WBEMCIM)
HP I64VMS WBEMCIM V2.91-A070728: HP WBEM Services for OpenVMS
Copying WBEM Services for OpenVMS Release Notes to SYS$HELP


Installing the OpenVMS Operating System