HP BA322 90087 User Manual
Page 262

Provide the following information for each Integrity server being provisioned:
MP Login Credentials: This information is used to login to the MP console of the target
server to provision OpenVMS. The default for the user name and password is Admin.
Timeout (in minutes): This value determines the maximum duration of inactivity
allowed on the system console during OpenVMS installation or upgrade, after which
HP SIM provisioning reports that the system is not responding. The default value of
this parameter is set to five minutes. You can modify this default value, but HP does
not recommend decreasing the value.
LAN Boot Settings:
— Use DHCP: Select this option if the target server must receive its TCP/IP settings
from a DHCP server for the LAN boot.
— InfoServer IP and Service Name: InfoServer/BOOTP server IP address and
InfoServer service name that must be used for provisioning OpenVMS.
— Client Static IP, Subnet Mask, and Gateway IP: Specify these settings for the target
server if DHCP is not being used.
— VMS_LOADER.EFI Location: Location of the VMS loader that must be used to
network boot the target server. For example, LDA3:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]
— OpenVMS version: Version of OpenVMS being provisioned from InfoServer.
OpenVMS Installation Options:
— Installation Disk: Device name of the system disk on which OpenVMS is installed.
For example, DKA200.
— Volume Label: Volume label assigned to the system disk. Ensure that the label
name you provide is unique. Problems could arise if the same label is used for
different disks. The volume label has a limit of 12 characters, and can be a
combination of letters (A to Z) and numbers (0 to 9), and can include special
characters such as the dollar sign ($), hyphen (-), and underscore (_).
— Initialize Disk: Indicates whether or not the system disk will be initialized. Disk
structure to use if it is being initialized (ODS-2/ODS-5), and use of hard links if the
disk structure selected is ODS-5.
Using HP SIM and vMedia for Provisioning OpenVMS