HP BA322 90087 User Manual

Page 343

background image

swap file size, 163
SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM procedure, 135, 161
system files

adding or removing, 151
sizes, 165

system libraries, 153
TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration, 135
TDC_RT initialization, 147
testing the system, 161
third-party networking software configuration, 136
tuning the operating system, 162
WBEM Providers for OpenVMS configuration, 144
WBEM Services for OpenVMS configuration, 140

Pre-OS System Environment

(see POSSE (Pre-OS System Environment))

Preinstallation tasks

collecting information for, 54
firmware revision checking, 26, 27
OpenVMS Cluster environment, 41–44
software and hardware components, 25

PRESERVE option, 31
Preupgrade tasks

backing up system disk, 93
checklist, 83

OpenVMS Cluster, 95

DECamds and DECram, 85
shutting down system, 94
system disk, 87, 88
volume shadowing, 92

Print queue

creating after installation or upgrade, 161

creating, 133


recording installation on, 25


booting, 175, 220

troubleshooting, 184, 225

locked out of system, 177, 222
logging in, 177, 221, 222

Product Authorization Key

(see PAK (Product Authorization Key))

PRODUCT INSTALL command, 159

files not removed with, 321
removing operating system files, 321

Provisioning, 245

defined, 331
HP SIM and Windows server setup, 256
plug-in, 256
procedure, 259
requirements, 246
with InfoServer

setting up, 247

with vMedia

setting up, 250

Proxy files

(see Network proxy authorization files)


Queue database

creating, 133

Queue manager

starting, 133


adjusting, 100
maintaining during rolling upgrades, 100


Reboot, 80

(see also Boot, Booting)
after AUTOGEN, 80
after installation, 81
automatic after AUTOGEN, 80
example, 176, 221
OpenVMS Cluster members, 162

Recovery data

checking for during upgrade, 110
displaying and installing

using distribution media menu option, 39

Release notes

after installation or upgrade, 133
before installation, 25

Remedial kits

deleting archived files, 118
required for existing OpenVMS Cluster members, 42,


saving archived files, 118

Removing operating system files, 321
Restoring system disk, 303

without booting the OpenVMS CD or DVD, 305


for OpenVMS upgrade, 84

Rolling upgrades

caution, 101
defined, 331
description, 98
maintaining cluster quorum, 100
operating system version required, 98
preparing system for, 99
restrictions, 98
tasks after shutdown, 123


SAN disk, 300
SAN storage device

delay in EFI initialization, 49, 106, 214, 297
graphic, 299

Satellite booting, 231
Satellite node

defined, 331

Save sets

transferring to system disk, 57

Scratch disk

defined, 331

SCSSYSTEMID system parameter

specifying, 62

SDA (System Dump Analyzer), 184