HP BA322 90087 User Manual
Page 215

To ensure that EFI can access the DVD, enter the following commands at the EFI Shell prompt
of entry-class or single-cell Integrity servers. Enter the commands in the order shown. (The
EFI Shell prompt may not necessarily be Shell> as in this example; it could be a prompt that
reflects the current file system, such as fs0:>.)
Shell> reconnect -r
Shell> map -r
For a multiple-cell nPartition on a cell-based server, use the search all command instead
of the reconnect -r command, followed by the map -r command. See your hardware
documentation for more information about EFI commands.
The reconnect -r command discovers any devices added after booting the server. The
search all
command discovers all devices including any that were not in the boot options
list or connected to the core cell’s I/O chassis. (On large server systems, the search all
command could take significant time to complete. You can reduce the search time by
specifying a more directed search, such as for a specific I/O chassis connected to a cell or a
specific PCI card in a chassis. For more information, see the help information provided for
the search command.)
The map -r command remaps and rebuilds the list of known devices that have a bootable
EFI system partition. For a multiple-cell nPartition on a cell-based server, if you insert the
DVD after EFI is loaded, you must use the search command to allow EFI to detect the inserted
DVD; otherwise, EFI would not recognize the DVD in the DVD drive. When EFI detects a
valid, bootable DVD in the DVD drive, it maps an fs device to it and lists that device in the
mapping table displayed by the map -r command.
B.6 Booting Operations