H.1.2 starting the server on other nodes, H.1.3 error log information, H.1.4 updating the printer and storage database – HP BA322 90087 User Manual
Page 313: H.1.5 editing the system files

H.1.2 Starting the Server on Other Nodes
If you plan to run OpenVMS Management Station on more than one node in an OpenVMS Cluster
without rebooting, you need to start the software on those nodes.
Use SYSMAN to start the server as follows:
Or you can log in to each node that shares the SYS$COMMON: directory and enter the following
If you are performing an upgrade or a reinstallation and OpenVMS Management Station is
already running on the node, add the RESTART parameter to the startup command, as follows:
H.1.3 Error Log Information
OpenVMS Management Station writes error log information to the file
TNT$SERVER_ERROR.LOG. This error log is created in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] directory.
If you start the OpenVMS Management Station server on multiple nodes in a cluster, which is
recommended, multiple server error logs are generated.
H.1.4 Updating the Printer and Storage Database
When you install OpenVMS Management Station, the installation starts the OpenVMS
Management Station server on the installation node. If this installation is an upgrade, the server
converts the existing OpenVMS Management Station database to the latest V3.* format. If this
is a new installation, the server creates an initial version of the database file TNT$ACS.DAT and
starts the update functions automatically.
To complete the database, start the OpenVMS Management Station server on each node in your
cluster. The instances of the server communicate with each other to determine device, queue,
and volume information, and the server must be running on each node for this communication
to take place.
H.1.5 Editing the System Files
To start the OpenVMS Management Station server from your system startup files, insert one of
the following commands into your system startup procedures (probably
SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM) after both the Queue Manager and network are
started but immediately before the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command.
Remove any other invocations of TNT$STARTUP you might have added in previous
releases of the OpenVMS Management Station.
OpenVMS Management Station cannot start until the network has started. If you start your
network using a batch process, OpenVMS Management Station might start before the batch
process completes and the network is started.
Parameter 2
Parameter 1
Starts the server. Does not start printer queues or mount
Shuts down a running server, then starts the server. Does
not start printer queues or mount volumes.
Starts the server. Starts any printer queues that are not yet
started and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station.
Does not mount volumes managed by OpenVMS
Management Station.
H.1 Preparing Your OpenVMS System