Section – HP BA322 90087 User Manual
Page 141

HP recommends that you do not remove the WBEM Services for OpenVMS product
even if you do not have a need for it. If you attempt to use the PRODUCT REMOVE command
to remove this product, you might see a message similar to the following. This message is
automatically displayed for any product that is required with OpenVMS. The consequences of
removing WBEM Services for OpenVMS might not be as severe as implied by the message unless
other software is using the product on your server.
%PCSI-E-HRDREF, product HP I64VMS WBEMCIM V2.91 is referenced by HP I64VMS OPENVMS V8.4
The two products listed above are tightly bound by a software dependency.
If you override the recommendation to terminate the operation, the
referenced product will be removed, but the referencing product will have
an unsatisfied software dependency and may no longer function correctly.
Please review the referencing product’s documentation on requirements.
Answer YES to the following question to terminate the PRODUCT command.
However, if you are sure you want to remove the referenced product then
answer NO to continue the operation.
Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES] Configuring WBEM Services for OpenVMS (Where Not Configured Previously)
To configure WBEM Services for OpenVMS on a system for the first time, follow these steps:
Enter the following command
This command invokes the utility that configures and initializes the environment for WBEM
Services for OpenVMS.
After displaying the initial configuration utility banner, the utility informs you where it will
store the configuration files and repository and asks if you want to change the location.
The configuration files and repository will be placed in the following location:
Do you want to change this location (Yes/No) [No]?:
The repository, a compiled version of the Common Information Model (CIM) class
schema, requires an ODS-5 formatted disk (the repository uses UNIX-style file names, which
are not supported on ODS-2 formatted disks). If the default location is on an ODS-2 formatted
disk, you must change the location to an ODS-5 disk.
When you accept the default location, the utility informs you that all configuration questions
have been answered and asks whether you want to continue, as shown in the following
example. If you choose to continue, the utility creates the CIMServer repository tree in the
location indicated earlier. The CIMServer is the WBEM Services for OpenVMS process that
runs on the system to support certain applications. It also creates the following command
The SYS$STARTUP:WBEM_Services$ file defines system logicals for the WBEM
Services for OpenVMS environment.
All configuration questions have been answered.
7.9 Initializing or Configuring Other Installed Components