HP BA322 90087 User Manual
Page 346

User authorization file (see UAF)
User Environment Test Package
(see UETP)
VC, 23
VGA graphics as console device, 191, 199
Virtual Connect
(see VC)
virtual console
defined, 333
virtual device
defined, 333
virtual machine
defined, 333
Virtual media
(see vMedia (Virtual Media))
Virtual partition
defined, 333
defined, 333
vMedia (Virtual Media), 246
defined, 333
for provisioning
setting up, 250
using independently of HP SIM, 279
vms_bcfg command, 207, 208
vms_show command, 208
VMSI18N, 309
VMSINSTAL utility, 159
installing layered products independently, 161
Volume label
OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD, 25
OpenVMS Integrity servers OE DVD, 25
requirement for OpenVMS Clusters, 301
during installation, 58
during upgrade, 111
Volume shadowing, 92
(see also Shadow sets)
backing up the system disk, 305
defined, 333
forming shadow set, 131
license required, 128
system parameters, 129
preparing for upgrade, 92
reforming shadow set, 162
VOTES parameter
checking for rolling upgrades, 99
defined, 333
WBEM Providers for OpenVMS
WBEM Services for OpenVMS
installing, 67
installing or upgrading, 30
upgrading, 115
(see WBEM Services for OpenVMS)
Welcome message
defining, 150
Windowing products
installing, 67
reconfiguring, 36
upgrading, 115
Writeboot utility, 181
-show wwid command, 289