4 completing the upgrade – HP BA322 90087 User Manual
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is installed on your system. It will be upgraded.
KERBEROS for OpenVMS I64...
is installed on your system. It will be upgraded.
SSL for OpenVMS I64...
is installed on your system. An upgrade is not required.
Performance Data Collector (base) for OpenVMS I64...
is installed on your system. It will be upgraded.
HP Binary Checker for OpenVMS I64
DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64 V1.7
is installed on your system. An upgrade is not required.
Beginning with OpenVMS V7.1, the DECnet-Plus kit is provided with
the OpenVMS operating system kit. HP strongly recommends that
DECnet users install DECnet-Plus. DECnet Phase IV applications are
supported by DECnet-Plus.
DECnet Phase IV is also provided as an option.
If you install DECnet-Plus and TCP/IP you can run DECnet
applications over a TCP/IP network. Please see OpenVMS
Management Guide for information on running DECnet over TCP/IP.
Do you want to install DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS I64 V8.4? (Yes/No) [Yes]
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
is already installed on your system. An upgrade is not required.
WBEM Services for OpenVMS (WBEMCIM)
is installed on your system. It will be upgraded.
is installed on your system. It will be upgraded.
Beginning with OpenVMS Version 8.3, DECwindows client files are made available
through the DWMOTIF_SUPPORT kit. (Prior to Version 8.3, the client files were included directly
with the OpenVMS operating system kit.) The OpenVMS installation procedure installs this kit
automatically. The DWMOTIF_SUPPORT kit name is listed during the installation.
Required versions of some of the windowing and networking products might already be installed
on the system. If so, you will see a message to this effect, as seen for most of the products in the
previous example. For some of the windowing and networking products, earlier versions might
be installed that still work on OpenVMS Version 8.4. In this case, you will see a message indicating
the software is already installed and asking whether you want to install the newer version. You
can keep the currently installed version or upgrade to the newer version supplied with OpenVMS
Version 8.4. If you choose to keep the currently installed version, you should verify what level
of support for this version is available from HP.
Some windowing and networking products might have versions installed that do not work on
OpenVMS Version 8.4. In this case, you are not given a choice to upgrade—the software is
upgraded automatically. (On OpenVMS Alpha upgrades, if older versions of SSL for OpenVMS
are found, the procedure removes them.)
For support of Instant Capacity (iCAP) (supported on cell-based Integrity servers), and
for support of such products as gWLM and HP SIM, install TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. When
you provision OpenVMS on Integrity servers, TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is installed
6.4 Completing the Upgrade
The following sections describe the remaining steps that you need to perform to complete the
Upgrading the OpenVMS Operating System