20 testing the system with uetp (optional) – HP BA322 90087 User Manual
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To install layered products that require VMSINSTAL (indicated in the directories by save-set
file names with file types of .A, .B, and so on), enter the @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL
command and then specify the device name and directory at the prompt. For example:
* Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DKA400:[DIAA032.KIT]
To install layered products that require the PCSI utility (indicated in the directories by file
names with file types of .PCSI or .PCSI$COMPRESSED), use the PRODUCT INSTALL
command to specify the device name and directory. Following is an example of the PRODUCT
INSTALL command on an Integrity servers system:
7.16 Reinstall DECevent Software (Alpha Upgrades only; optional)
The optional DECevent software is automatically removed during an OpenVMS upgrade. If you
want to continue using the DECevent product, you must manually install this software after the
upgrade has completed.
On OpenVMS Integrity server systems and recent versions of OpenVMS Alpha,
DECevent functionality and more is provided by Web-Based Enterprises Services (
More information about this tool is available at the following website:
7.17 Creating Print Queues (New Installations, Some Upgrades)
If you have a large number of print queues to add and you need to get the system in use quickly,
you can set up one print queue per area or work group and then add the other print queues later,
after the user accounts are added (
). For more information about adding
print queues, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials.
7.18 Updating SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to Start Layered Products and Print
After installing and configuring any layered products and adding new print queues, you should
update the SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file to start these products and print queues. For more about
updating the SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume
1: Essentials.
7.19 Creating Accounts (New Installations, Some Upgrades)
During installation, DEFAULT and SYSTEM accounts are created automatically. You should
create additional user accounts now. If you plan to have HP service representatives test your
system or if you plan to run testing software such as UETP, you must create accounts for each
representative and a SYSTEST (standalone system) or SYSTEST_CLIG (OpenVMS Cluster system)
account to run UETP.
For complete information about creating and managing user accounts and about creating accounts
for HP service representatives and UETP, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume
1: Essentials.
7.20 Testing the System with UETP (Optional)
The User Environment Test Package (UETP) is a software package that tests whether the OpenVMS
operating system is installed correctly. It tests the hardware, including disk drives, tape drives,
CD drives, line printers (if any), network cards, and so forth. Running UETP is optional; HP
7.16 Reinstall DECevent Software (Alpha Upgrades only; optional)