K-Patents PR-23 User Manual
Page 177

12 Ethernet connection specification
usage of ping is very simple: go to the command interface (for example the Com-
mand Prompt), type the name of the command and the IP address you want to
check and press Enter. If the Ethernet connection is good, the DTR is powered on
and the address given to ping is correct, the DTR will answer to ping and return
any data packets sent to it, see Figure 12.8.
Figure 12.8
Ping OK.
Figure 12.9
Ping error message.
12.3.1 Troubleshooting the connection
If you get an error message from a ping command (for example
Request timed out
like in Figure 12.9), check your connections.
First open the DTR cover and front panel and check the diagnostic LEDs of the
Ethernet connector (see Section 12.1.2). Note: Keep both the DTR and your com-
puter powered while you check the diagnostic LEDs.