7 process refractometer pr-23-rp, 1 pr-23-rp sensor model code – K-Patents PR-23 User Manual
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9 Sensor specifications
9.7 Process refractometer PR-23-RP
K-Patents Process Refractometer PR-23-RP is a heavy-duty refinery model that is de-
signed to support the unique requirements of the refining and petroleum industries.
Typical applications are in accurate liquid concentration mesurements, e.g. acid in
alkylation, glycol or amines in gas processing and multi-product (crude oil, fuel oil,
diesel) interfaces in transfer operations.
The PR-23-RP comes with user-specified supplementary tests and documents. The
following items can be specified and ordered: metallurgical and material hardness
certification (e.g. compliance with the NACE MR0103 or NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156
standard), API recommended tests and welding documents (e.g. WPS, PQR, WQR,
NDE, radiographic test and hydrostatic shell test), material traceability certification
and the positive material identification (PMI) test. A factory acceptance test (FAT),
site acceptance test (SAT), and customized drawings stating client specific informa-
tion are also available on request.
9.7.1 PR-23-RP sensor model code
PR-23 = Sensor
Sensor model
-R = Refinery
Sensor type
P = Probe type, wetted materials single piece no weldings
Refractive Index range limits
-73 = n
1.320–1.530 (0–100 Brix)
Process connection
-M20 = ANSI-flange 300 lbs, 2 inch, insertion length 130 mm
-J20 = JIS-flange 10k 50A, insertion length 130 mm
Sensor wetted parts material
-SS = AISI 316 L
-HA = Alloy 20
-HC = Hastelloy C / ASTM C276
Electrical classification
-GP = General Purpose
-AX = ATEX certified EX II 3 G Eex nA II T4 (up to Zone 2)
-IA = ATEX and IECEx certified EX II 1 G Ex ia II C T4 Ga (up to Zone 0)
-FM = FM Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C & D, T6
-IF = FM Class I, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C & D, T4
-CS = CSA Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C & D, T4
Sensor housing
-SC = Stainless steel
Prism wash
See flowcell