Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 31

Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware
Initial set-up
3.3.1 Using Scream
Select Terminal... from the File menu. A window will open, from where
you can select the correct serial port:
Set the Baud Rate to 38400, as shown, and ,once the acquisition module and
computer are communicating properly, an emulation window will open and
you will see the Login: prompt. If it does not appear immediately, press the
ENTER key a few times.
Note: If a terminal session has just been closed, it can take up to ten
seconds for a new session to start.
3.3.2 Using a terminal Emulator
You are free to use whatever terminal emulation software you wish. Common
choices are applications such as minicom on Linux or PuTTY on Microsoft
Windows. See section 16.2 on page 262 for more information.
Configure your emulation software to use the correct serial port. Set the line
speed (Baud rate) to 38,400 and the communication parameters to eight data
bits, no parity bits and one stop bit. This combination is commonly referred to
as “8-N-1”. Turn off all hardware flow control (RTS/CTS and/or DSR/DTR
should not be used). Turn off all software flow control (XON/XOFF should
not be used).
Once the emulator is connected, you will see a Login: prompt. If it does not
appear immediately, press the ENTER key a few times.
Note: If a terminal session has just been closed, it can take up to ten
seconds for a new session to start.
Issue E - February 2014