Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 175

Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware
Transmitting Data Configurable parameters in simple mode
The configurable parameters for GCF Scream network server have four tabbed
pages in simple mode: General, Terminal, Push and Filter
User description: Used to rename the service in configuration menus and log
files to something more indicative of its function.
The first instance can neither be disabled nor deleted but, if subsequent
instances are created, two additional check-boxes appear on their associated
configuration menu:
Enable: Causes this service to start automatically when the system is
re-booted. If this check-box is cleared, the service will need to be started
manually (from the “Control” → “Services” menu)
Delete: Causes the configuration for this instance to be removed from the
system when the form is submitted.
Server hostname/IP address: Used to restrict the server to listen for incoming
connection requests only via particular network interfaces. If multiple
interfaces or addresses are configured for this system, entering the IP address
or associated hostname of one of them prevents connection attempts made to
all other addresses. If left blank, connection requests will be considered from
all interfaces.
Server port/service name: Must be populated with the service name or port
number on which it will listen for incoming connections. This must not be
used by any other service on this system.
Issue E - February 2014