Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 104

Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware
Digitiser Configuration
Strong motion mode requires that the highest tap (the one with the fastest
sample rate) is set to 200 samples per second. The 200 sps data are passed
through a fast-response, divide-by-ten IIR filter in order to produce the
low-latency 20 sps data which are used for the calculations. This 20 sps
low-latency stream can be enabled for direct output: it's stream ID will have
the suffix 'E'.
Strong motion mode can be configured using buttons on the web page. If the
highest tap is configured for 200 samples per second operation, the following
is displayed:
If the highest tap is not set to 200 samples per second, an additional button is
first reconfigures the taps so that the highest
tap is set to 200 samples per second and then enables strong motion mode. If
the highest tap is already set to 200 samples per second, the
button is active and, when clicked, enables strong
motion mode.
When in strong motion mode, this section of the screen displays as:
The “Transmit 20sps low-latency waveforms” check-box enables or disables
the 20 samples per second stream, which is used internally to provide the
data for the strong-motion calculations but can also be transmitted, recorded,
and used like any other output stream.
Clicking the
button cancels strong motion mode and
returns the CMG-DM24 to normal operation.
The thirty additional streams produced when in strong motion mode are
shown in the following table, where S represents the System ID and C
identifies the component ('Z' for vertical, 'N' for North/South or 'E' for
Issue E - February 2014