Guralp Systems CMG-DCM build <10,000 User Manual
Page 144

Acquisition Modules and Platinum Firmware
Recording and Retrieving Data
Files to be copied should be created in the directory /var/spool/tordisk.
The following options are available:
File name: When building the directory in to which files are copied, any
tokens in the template string are replaced with strings based on the current
date/time. The following tokens are supported:
a literal percentage sign
system hostname
4-digit year number
2-digit month number (01-12)
2-digit day of month (01-31)
3-digit ordinal day/day of year (001-366)
2-digit hour (00-23)
2-digit minute (00-59)
4-digit ISO year number (for use with ISO week)
2-digit ISO week number (01-52)
1-digit ISO day of week (1/Monday-7/Sunday)
Forward-slashes ('/') will cause subdirectories to be created. If using recycle
mode, be sure to start the file-name template with the date in either
year-month-day, year-ordinal or year-week-weekday format so that the sorting
algorithm can identify the oldest files correctly.
Flush threshold: Files from /var/spool/tordisk are copied to the mass
storage device when their total size exceeds the threshold size defined (in
Mebibytes) in this field.
Enable syslog recording: If this checkbox is ticked, the system log
(/var/log/messages) is also copied to the mass storage device. This option
consumes very little space and can be a significant help when debugging any
problems. NFS
Platinum systems can write to external, network-accessible NFS storage
systems, such as NAS systems. This option is primarily intended for use with
CMG-NAMs and CMG-NAM64s in data-centre applications. GSL can supply
suitable NAS systems for this purpose.
To use external NFS storage, select “Remote NFS mount” in the “Storage
device” drop-down menu of the “Storage device” tab (see section on
page 140) and complete the fields in the “NFS” tab as described below.
Issue E - February 2014