6 carrier-in-carrier commissioning and deployment – Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A User Manual
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SLM5650A_CDM625 Satellite Modem
Revision 8
Carrier-in-Carrier Option
15.4.6 Carrier-in-Carrier Commissioning and Deployment
Prior to commissioning a Carrier-in-Carrier link, it is critical that the link is fully tested in non
Carrier-in-Carrier mode and all system issues including external interference, antenna pointing,
cabling, SSPA backoff are resolved. Only after the link is robust, should the user attempt turning
on Carrier-in-Carrier.
The following procedure is recommended for Carrier-in-Carrier commissioning and deployment:
Turn ON the carrier at Site ‘A’. Carrier from Site ‘B’ is OFF. CnC function is OFF at
both sites.
Using a spectrum analyzer, measure Co+No/No at the input to the modem at
Site ‘A’.
Using a spectrum analyzer, measure Co+No/No at the input to the modem at
Site ‘B’.
Measure/record Eb/No at Site ‘B’. Make sure there is sufficient margin to
account for CnC.
Measure/record Receive Signal Level (RSL) at Site ‘B’.
Turn OFF the carrier at Site ‘A’. Turn ON the carrier at Site ‘B’. CnC function is OFF at
both sites.
Using a spectrum analyzer, measure Co+No/No at the input to the modem at
Site ‘A’.
Using a spectrum analyzer, measure Co+No/No at the input to the modem at
Site ‘B’.
Measure/record Eb/No at Site ‘A’. Make sure there is sufficient margin to
account for CnC.
Measure/record RSL at Site ‘B’.
Using Co+No/No readings calculate PSD ratio at Site ‘A’ and Site ‘B’. If it is not within
specification, make necessary adjustments to bring it within specification and repeat
measurements in Steps 1 and 2.
Also verify that the RSL is within spec.
Now without changing the transmit power levels, turn ON both the carriers (on the
same frequency) and turn CnC ON.
Measure/record Eb/No at Site ‘A’ and ‘B’.
Measure/record RSL at Site ‘A’ and ‘B’.
Now compare Eb/No in presence of two over lapping carriers with CnC with
Eb/No when only one carrier was ON. Eb/No variation should be within spec
for that modulation, FEC and PSD ratio.
The test can be repeated for different PSD ratio and Eb/No.