Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A User Manual
Page 126

SLM-5650A Satellite Modem
Revision 8
Front Panel Operation
5–44 Utility: ID
Edit Circuit ID: (E)
Use the arrow keys to name the communications link. This name can be any
combination of alphanumeric characters up to 24 characters in length.
Additional characters supported are: ( ) * + / . (period) , (comma) and space. Utility: Display
Edit Display Brightness
100% (E)
Use the arrow keys to adjust the front panel display brightness. Valid settings are 25%,
50%, 75% or 100%. Utility: Temp
Modem Temp (Deg C): RF=+61 PS=+40
M&C=+35 Mod=+43 Demod=+51 (E)
This read-only screen allows the user to view the modem internal temperatures (RF, PS, M&C,
Mod and Demod). Utility: AGC
AgcMan: Min Value: 00.0 Volts
Max Value: 10.0 Volts (E)
Use the arrow keys to select, and then set the Minimum and Maximum voltage levels
for the external AGC monitor voltage that is available on the AUX connector.
Min Value
Specifies the voltage to output on the External AGC voltage signal when the demodulator RSL
is at its minimum level.
Max Value
Specifies the voltage to output when the demodulator RSL is at its maximum level.