Comtech EF Data SLM-5650A User Manual
Page 211

SLM-5650A Satellite Modem
Revision 8
Network Processor (NP) Interface
Router Errors
Bad Header Packets
Counts the packets received with IP header length are less than 20 bytes OR
IPV4 version is NOT 4. This only applicable in non-switch mode.
Bad Total Length Packets
This Counter will be updated if the ingress packet total length (PACKET_SIZE)
less than the Ethernet header size (if present, only from LAN and END station)
and total length in IPV4 total length filed. This is only applicable in non-switch
TTL Expired Packets
If the IPV4 packet received with TTL zero and need to be forwarded. This is
only applicable in non-switch mode.
No Route Packets
Counts the packets received with IPV4_DEST_ADDR has no match in Route
Table. This is only applicable in non-switch mode.
Length Too Small Packets
Counter will be updated if, total length filed in IPV4 header is less than 20 bytes
OR PACKET_SIZE is less than 20. This is only applicable in non-switch mode.
Bad Header Protocol Packets
If incoming packet has Ethernet type was not IPV4, IPv6, ARP, PPP_SESSION,
or PPP_DISCOVERY and non-switch mode. In switch mode it accepts all the
Ethernet types.
Bad Header Checksum
Counts the packets received with bad IPV4 header checksum. This is only
applicable in non-switch mode.
Bad Header Destination
Address Packets
The counter will be updated, if the IPV4 destination address is either, or 0.X.X.X, or 127.X.X.X, or (224-255).X.X.X. This is only
applicable in non-switch mode.
Internal Procesing Error
Non Switch mode: This counter will updated if, the Ingress packet cannot
traverse with in the ME components due to resources scarcity.
Switch mode: This counter will be update if either the ingresses packet
destination MAC address is NP’s MAC, but the IP address is NOT the NP’s IP,
or ingress packet cannot traverse within the MEs components due to internal
resources scarcity.
End Station Statistics
Received Packets
Total packets destined to the NP Interface.
Forwarded Packets
Total packets forwarded by router.
Local Delivery Packets
Number of packets delivered to management applications running on the NP
Created Fragment Packets
Number of IP fragments created by the NP Interface because the packet being
sent exceeds the maximum transmit unit (MTU).
End Station Errors
Invalid Header Packets
Total End Station packets dropped due to incorrect length or IP Header
Invalid Address Packets
Number of IP packets dropped by the NP Interface because of an invalid
destination address.
No Route Packets
Number of IP Packets dropped by the NP Interface because no “route
destinatioon” matched in the rout table.