Option 60 (incrementing/decrementing fields) 4-12, Fixing the first number 4-12, Syntax 4-12 – Avery Dennison Sierra Sport2 9460 Programmer Manual User Manual

Page 84: Using option 60 4-12, Inc/dec fields 4-12, Inc/dec field option 4-12, Option 60 (incrementing/decrementing fields) -12

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O p t i o n 6 0 ( I n c r e m e n t i n g / D e c r e m e n t i n g F i e l d s )

You may have an application, such as serial numbers, in which you need a
numeric field to increment (increase in value) or decrement (decrease in
value) on successive tickets within a single batch. Incrementing or
decrementing can be applied to numeric data only. If you have a field that
includes letters and digits, apply incrementing or decrementing to only the
portion of the field that contains digits. Do not

use with Option 42 (price



R,60,I/D,amount,l pos,r pos


R1. R

Option Header.

R2. 60

Option 60.

R3. I/D

Increment or decrement:


incrementing field


decrementing field

R4. amount

Amount to increase or decrease. Range: 0 to 999.

R5. l pos

Leftmost position in inc/dec portion of field. If this value is not entered, the
default value 1 is used. Range: 0 to 2710.

R6. r pos

Rightmost position in inc/dec portion of field. If this value is not used, the
entire field length is used as the default. Range: 0 to 2710.




Increments a field by 5 each time the field is printed. The field increments
beginning with the first left position and ending with the sixth position.

F i x i n g t h e F i r s t N u m b e r i n t h e I n c r e m e n t i n g S e q u e n c e

There are two ways to enter the first number in the incrementing sequence.
You can use batch data or use Option 1 to define the first number as a fixed
character. The first number in the sequence must contain the same amount
of digits as the highest number to be counted. For example, to count the
numbers 1 to 999, the first number in the sequence must be entered as 001.

4-12 Defining Field Options