Checking current buffer sizes 2-23, About memory buffers 2-23, Image buffer 2-23 – Avery Dennison Sierra Sport2 9460 Programmer Manual User Manual

Page 41: Image 2-23, Receive 2-23, Transmit 2-23, Receive buffer 2-23, Transmit buffer 2-23, Checking current buffer sizes -23, About memory buffers -23

background image

C h e c k i n g C u r r e n t B u f f e r S i z e s

Send a configuration upload packet to check the sizes of your current
buffers. See “Configuration Packet Header” for more information. After you
check your current buffer sizes you can begin reallocating memory.

If you want to increase your image buffer and you will not be using scalable
fonts, add that memory into your image buffer.



I,M,R,R,20 p

Receive buffer 2K



Transmit buffer 1K



Downloadable fonts 8K



Scalable fonts buffer 16K


p }

Image buffer 320K

Make sure memory is available before adding memory to a buffer. In the
above example, if the image buffer (M,I,N,3200) was defined before the
downloadable fonts and scalable fonts buffers (M,D,N,80 and M,V,R,160)
were defined, an error would have occurred.

A b o u t M e m o r y B u f f e r s

Transmit Buffer

Used to send ENQ, job, and upload responses. This
buffer must be allocated as volatile (R) RAM.

Receive Buffer

Used to save data received from the host before it is
processed by the printer. Changing this buffer size
affects the amount of data the printer can receive
without using flow control. This buffer must be allocated
as volatile (R) RAM.

Image Buffer

Used to image the current format. Use the formula
below to calculate the approximate image buffer size.

10K x Length

Length is the length of your label in inches.

Configuring the Printer 2-23