Defining text fields 3-3, Number of in text 3-3, Text fields 3-3 – Avery Dennison Sierra Sport2 9460 Programmer Manual User Manual

Page 51: In text field 3-3, Of a text field 3-3, Text field 3-3, Defining 3-3, Determining distance 3-3, Proportional characters 3-3, Syntax 3-3

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D e f i n i n g Te x t F i e l d s

Create a separate definition for each text field. If text falls on two lines,
each line of text requires a separate definition.


T,field#,# of char,fix/var,row,column,
gap,font,hgt mag,wid mag,color,alignment,
char rot,field rot,sym set


T1. T

Text Field.

T2. field#

Unique number from 1 to 999 to identify this field.

T3. # of char

Maximum number of printed characters (0 to 2710) in the field.

T4. fix/var

Fixed or variable length field. Options:


Fixed length


Variable length

T5. row

For monospaced fonts, distance from bottom of print area to the pivot
point. The pivot point varies depending on how text is justified.

For proportionally spaced fonts, distance from bottom of print area to
baseline of characters in field.


0 - 1200


0 - 3045


0 - 2436

Defining Fields 3-3