Square data matrix packet a-7, Rectangular data matrix packet a-7 – Avery Dennison Sierra Sport2 9460 Programmer Manual User Manual
Page 167

S a m p l e D a t a M a t r i x P a c k e t s
Data Matrix (ECC-200) is a two-dimensional bar code which is made up of
square modules arranged within a perimeter finder pattern. There are 24
square symbol sizes available ranging from 10 rows by 10 columns to 144
rows by 144 columns. There are six rectangular symbol sizes available
ranging from 8 rows by 8 columns to 16 rows by 48 columns. The symbol
size is data dependent. Data Matrix automatically pads data.
Make sure you do not overlay other fields when designing your Data Matrix
symbol. Smart imaging is automatically disabled on formats with a Data
Matrix bar code. You should also allow a 3 or 4 dot “quiet zone” (blank
space around the bar code’s perimeter) for scanning. See “Defining a Bar
Code Field” for more information.
S a m p l e B a t c h D a t a w i t h S p e c i a l C h a r a c t e r s
To use this character in the bar code
enter these characters in the batch data
null character
~ (tilde)
S q u a r e D a t a M a t r i x P a c k e t
p }
p }
This example prints a one-inch wide by one-inch tall (100) square Data
Matrix symbol using the default density (0) without any field rotation (0).
R e c t a n g u l a r D a t a M a t r i x P a c k e t
p }
p }
This example prints a one-inch by a half-inch tall (50) rectangular 16 rows
by 36 columns (density 29) Data Matrix symbol rotated 90 (1).
Samples A-7