Set point values on a turningpoint slide – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
Page 89

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
Modify Slides
Use speed scoring to award points for answers proportionally to fastest responders on an individual
basis or in team competitions. Find more information in Use Speed Scoring on page 95.
Set Point Values on a TurningPoint Slide
Answer values are used to calculate individual and team scores from summary slides used during
competitions and for reporting purposes.
Different point values can be assigned to different answers (if one answer should be awarded more than
another, for example). An answer set as Correct has a default point value of 1, and an incorrect answer has
a default value of 0.
To set a point value for an answer…
Navigate to the slide on which to set point values.
Make sure the settings Task Pane is enabled.
If negative points have been assigned to a correct
answer or positive points to an incorrect answer,
use the Point Value reports. The Percentage
Reports treat the correct answers with negative
point values as incorrect answers and incorrect
answer with positive point values as correct