Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
Page 264

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
Export Session Data
The Export Session window displays lists of the data and formats you can use to export the session file.
Export Session Data: Select Export Scheme or Data Groups
Choose one of these two ways to export the data:
Check some or all of the boxes in the Data Group list to manually specify the contents and format of
the exported text file.
The following data is available for export:
The text of questions and answers.
Participant information, such as names and groups, defined in the Participant List.
Participants’ responses to the questions.
Participants’ scores.
Check the Use Export Schemes box to select a pre-defined export scheme for a gradebook
application from the Export Schemes list.
Export schemes for several gradebook applications are available, including Angel, Easy Grade Pro,
Gradebook for Windows, Gradekeeper for Windows, MicroGrade, Moodle for use with Moodle
Participant List, and Teacher’s Marksheet.
Export schemes are saved as .tpx files in the Export Schemes folder, which is located in your
TurningPointfolder. You can use an export scheme you have copied from elsewhere by selecting the
Load an Export Scheme button (shaped like a folder).
Using an export scheme automatically specifies the settings available to you in the next steps to
match the format required by the application you are exporting to. You may still choose to modify
some settings, for example, to specify a grading scale.
Click Next to continue.