Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual

Page 142

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TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide



Chart Settings

This enables you to view and change the chart settings.



Auto Scale Charts

Determines whether the charts are scaled proportionate to the responses
or displayed forcing a scale of 0 to 100% for percentages and 0 to the
maximum responses for count. The default is set to True, which sets the
scale of the chart proportionate to the responses.

Chart Colors

Determines what chart colors will be used during your presentation. The
available settings are Color Scheme, Correct/Incorrect and User Defined.
Color Scheme - uses the selected PowerPoint color scheme.
Correct/Incorrect - uses user defined colors for slides that have answers
selected as correct and incorrect. User Defined - uses user defined colors.

The default is set at Color Scheme.

Chart Colors 1-10

Determines the first through tenth chart colors to be used for the User
Defined color settings.

Chart Color Correct

Determines the color to be used for Correct answers for the
Correct/Incorrect color setting.

Chart Color Incorrect

Determines the color to be used for Incorrect answers for the
Correct/Incorrect color setting.

Chart Labels

Determines if Answer Aliases (Answer Bullet Format) or Bullet Points will
be displayed in the chart labels and legends. The default is set to Aliases.

Chart Value Format

Determines whether TurningPoint displays the chart values as a whole
number (Number of people who answered a question) or Percentage
(Percentage of people who answered each question). The valid formats
are: 0, 0%, 0.0%, and 0.00%. The default is set at 0%.

Reset Charts

Determines whether the chart data will be cleared whenever a slide is
reset. The default is set to True, which resets the chart data.

Review Only

Determines whether a chart showing how participants responded to a
question is displayed during a presentation or only when a presenter
reviews the presentation. The default is set to False, which displays charts
during the presentation.

Standard Chart Type

Determines the default chart that is used when a slide is inserted into a
presentation. The default is set to Vertical. All chart options are available
to choose from.