Format excel documents – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual

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TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide


Parser Documents

Format Excel Documents

You can format an Excel spreadsheet so that it can be used with the TurningPoint Parser. The TurningPoint
Parser will only use the data displayed in the first sheet of an Excel Workbook to create question slides.

Following a

Defines what type of slide to create using a single-letter code. The
following types are accepted:

Q = standard question slide

P = picture slide

D = demographic slide

S = speed scoring slide

F = fill in the blank slide (ResponseCard IR, XL, and RF users are limited
to numerical responses, but ResponseCard XR and ResponseWare users
may provide alphanumeric responses of varying lengths)

E = essay slide (ResponseCard IR, XL, and RF users are limited to
numerical responses, but ResponseCard XR and ResponseWare users
may provide alphanumeric responses of varying lengths)

M = moment to moment slide

Following a
question or an

The filename of a picture file. If the tag follows a question, the picture will
be added next to the question text on the slide. If the slide type is “P” and
the tag follows an answer, the picture will replace the answer text on the

Following a

Contains the question picture position. The following are acceptable

L = Left

R = Right

F = Full

Following a

Contains the number of responses allowed per ResponseCard for the slide.
Accepted values are 1–10.

Following a

Contains the question topic.

Following an

Contains a value for the answer. Valid answer values are “Correct,”

“Incorrect,” or a point value from negative 10,000 through 10,000.



Description and Allowed Values