Add slides during a presentation session – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
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TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
Run a Presentation
When viewing the Participant Monitor while running the slide show, the Participant Monitor window
must be closed to advance to the next slide. To view the window again, press the F12 key. (Alternatively,
you can press the Alt + Tab keys, or simply end the slide show.)
Participant Monitor Window: View Menu
Optionally, you can expand or reduce the size of the three regions by selecting the borders and
dragging them up or down.
Add Slides During a Presentation Session
TurningPoint gives you the flexibility of adding a template or custom slide while running the presentation.
Inserting a new slide is an option available through the Showbar.
To add a new slide…
Insert a new slide in one of the following ways:
Template Slide - select the arrow next to the Insert an on-the-fly slide button on the Showbar and
select the type of slide. The slide is automatically inserted after the slide you had been viewing in the