Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
Page 273

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
Merge Session Files
Import a session file from another location.
You can also import a session using the Import Session button (shaped like a folder) above the list of
files. This allows you to use a TurningPoint, TurningPoint Anywhere, or TestingPoint session file you
have saved elsewhere. Unless you originally created the session in TurningPoint, TurningPoint
Anywhere, or TestingPoint, the session files will not hold a PowerPoint presentation file.
Select additional files to be merged in the list by holding Shift to select multiple contiguous files, or
Control to select multiple files.
Repeat this step until all the files you would like to merge are selected.
Optionally, check the box to include the PowerPoint presentations in the merged session file.
If you include the presentations in the merged session file, the slides from the presentations of each of
the merged files are put together into a single presentation saved in the merged session file. This may
greatly increase the size of the merged session file.
Click Merge below the list of files.
A dialog opens for you to specify a location and filename for the merged session file.
Specify a name and location for the exported file.
Click Save.
The file is saved, and the dialog closes.
You can access TurningPoint Reports by selecting Open TurningPoint Reports located next to the Finish
Click Finish to exit the Merge Session Files window.
Ensure that the .tpz file extension is used for
session files.