Identify a correct answer on a turningpoint slide – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
Page 79

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
Modify Slides
Select the slide that contains the answer to be identified as correct from Settings Hierarchy.
Select the Answer to identify as correct.
Select Correct from the Answer Value drop-down menu.
TurningPoint sets the selected answer as Correct and automatically sets all other answers on that slide
as Incorrect.
More than one correct answer on a slide can be set by repeating these steps on another answer.
Change an answer you marked as Correct to Incorrect by repeating these steps and selecting Incorrect
from the drop-down menu.
Identify a Correct Answer on a TurningPoint Slide
By default, answers marked Correct have a point value of 1, and answers marked Incorrect have a point
value of 0.
To mark an answer correct…
Navigate to the slide to mark a Correct Answer.
Place the cursor in the Answer Region of the slide.
The Answer Value can be set to Correct or Incorrect
from the slide. Find more information in Identify a
Correct Answer on a TurningPoint Slide on page 79.