Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual

Page 265

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TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide


Export Session Data

The Export Sessions window displays a tabbed view for you to specify the data to be used.

Export Session Data: Include or Exclude Data

There are five tabs, one for each of the main groups of data you specified to include in the exported file.
In each area you chose to include, review and modify the settings on the corresponding tab. The next
few steps explain the settings on each tab.


If you chose to include the question and answer data, specify which particular questions to include by
checking the boxes on the Questions & Answers tab.

By default, all questions are checked and will be included.


Select the Participant Info tab.

The Export Data window displays the Participant Info tab.


If you chose to include the participant information, select which fields from the Participant List to
include by checking the boxes on the Participant Info tab.

To view the information from the Participant List, press the F5 key or right-click in the window and
select Refresh Participant List Data. This allows you to see the Participant List to help you decide which
fields you would like to include in the exported data.

You can include any of the information defined in the Participant List.


Select the Responses tab.

The Export Data window displays the Responses tab.


If you chose to include the responses, choose whether to group responses by question or by participant
by selecting Show Responses Horizontally or Show Responses Vertically on the Responses tab.