Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
Page 100

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
Modify Slides
A drop-down menu opens.
Chart Colors Setting
Select a value for the Chart Colors setting.
There are three options:
Color Scheme - uses the color scheme of the PowerPoint presentation.
User Defined - uses ten user-defined colors.
Correct Incorrect - uses two user-defined colors, one for correct answers and one for incorrect. (The
default colors for correct and incorrect are green and red, respectively.)
When Color Scheme is selected, PowerPoint
reverses the color order for Horizontal and Offset
Charts. Example: If the color scheme has Light Blue,
Blue, Aqua, and Green with Light Blue as the first
color to be displayed and Green as the last,
PowerPoint will display the colors in reverse for
Horizontal and Offset Charts. Green is the first color
displayed, and Light Blue is the last.