Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual

Page 158

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TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide


Participant List Wizard

You have the option to revise your Participant List Settings.

The settings you can change include the Participant List file name, number of fields, and number of
groups. For file name select the old file name and enter a new one in the box provided. For Number of
Fields or Number of Groups, select the link to be returned to the screen and make edits.


Click Finish to create the Participant List.

TurningPoint displays the Participant Information window where you can enter, paste, edit or import
data. You can also Add/Remove or Rename Fields and Groups from this window. Find more information
on editing a Participant List in Modify a Participant List on page 161.

If you made changes to an existing template, you are prompted to save the revised template.

If you select the Yes button to name and save the template, the custom template will be available under
My Custom Templates.

Participant List - Add Participant Information


Add names and other participant information to the new Participant List or import participant
information from a .txt, .csv or Excel file:


Click Import on the menu bar and select Excel/Delimited Text File.


Browse to the location of the file and click Open.

The Delimited File Import window opens.


In the Options section select one of the following: