Enable responseware – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
Page 126

TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
Response Device Management
Windows detects the receiver. The device is now ready for use.
Next Steps
If an audience member’s device is not being accepted, check the device’s ability to communicate. Find
more information in Check Device Communication on page 130. The use of a Response Counter or
Response Grid will help to alert you of a non-communicating device. Find more information in Add a
Response Counter on page 112, or View a Response Grid on page 224.
Enable ResponseWare
This section will cover the steps to setup TurningPoint for communication between the application and
the ResponseWare server.
Click Tools on the TurningPoint Ribbon and select ResponseWare.
More than one USB Receiver may be needed for
larger audiences (over 80 people for infrared or
over 1,000 people for radio frequency).
If there is more than one RF USB Receiver plugged
in each receiver must be set to their own channel to
prevent interference. For example, if one receiver is
set to channel 41 then the second receiver should
be set to channel 51. Some of the audience
members will need to program their
ResponseCards to channel 41 and some will need
to program their ResponseCards to channel 51.