10 export, 10export, Export – Turning Technologies TurningPoint User Manual
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TurningPoint for Office 2007 User Guide
When you complete a session, you save the data in a TurningPointsession file (extension.tpz). Find more
information on how to save a session in Save Results from a Session on page 251.
The session file contains all the information about your presentation, including the questions and
answers, the response data, and the Participant List. This information is used to generate reports (find
more information in Reports on page 232).
Session files and can be merged with other session files, and Participant Lists with other Participants Lists
to show aggregated results from your presentations. TurningPoint also allows you to share and extract the
information in your TurningPoint, TurningPoint Anywhere, or TestingPoint session files by exporting the
data into several formats.